deserves a home
Essential housing provides affordable housing
in Santarém, Portugal
Essential Housing is a commercial approach to affordable living
That redefines impact investing in the rental market.
By focusing on minimum viable returns for investors and financiers, Essential significantly reduces rents for tenants. The company acquires existing apartments in urban centers, offering rents at 80% of market prices with stability guaranteed for 10 years or more.
With a long-term investment horizon of at least 20 years, Essential creates a sustainable housing solution. This innovative model addresses a critical need in a market that has seen over 90% rent increases in the past five years and lacks sufficient public initiatives to meet demand.
Essential’s F.A.I.R. rents
Essentials' FAIR (Favourable and Affordable Inclusive Rents) program prioritizes long-term stability over speculative returns, benefiting those who need it most.
By accepting modest but stable returns, we can reduce rents for families by €100-300 per month while meeting impact financiers' needs. This significant savings allows low-income families to cover essential expenses, build savings, or simply enjoy a more carefree life.
Our commitment extends beyond the present, offering stability for 5 year or longer. Investors receive returns commensurate with the low-risk nature of the assets. Essentials' FAIR approach creates a win-win situation for tenants and investors alike
Our Proposition
Our impact investment model aims to align interests of families, local communities
and financial institutions towards long-term goals; stable, affordable homes for families
Collaborate with impact financiers and investors to obtain most favourable terms to access finance; long-term, low-cost loans
Acquire modest real estate, usually 2- to 4-bedroom appartments in or near centres of medium sized cities; update where needed
Work with local community organisations, and municipalities to help house those families who are most in need
Offer long-term, rent-stabilised contracts to tenants or their sponsors, guaranteering a stable living environment and cost savings
This way, we aim to offer rents that are 20% of more below market prices.